Andy Field and Ira Brand
put your sweet hand in mine
put your sweet hand in mine
10 August 9.15pm
Drill Hall
This is a show about love. It is a show about candlelight and longing and catching the eye of a stranger unexpectedly in the theatre or on a train. It is a show about romance. But it is also a show about battlefields and power cuts and power ballads, about thunderstorms and wildly flocking birds.
We invite you to imagine being in love, and all the many different meanings that might have. We invite you to imagine yourself in Paris. We invite you to imagine yourself looking up and unexpectedly catching the eye of the person sitting opposite you.
Created by Andy Field and Ira Brand
Produced by Beckie Darlington
Dramaturgy by James Stenhouse
A reminder that love makes you fly and fall, and can be tempestuous. Or as quiet and fragile as a bird in your hand.
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
Supported by Arts Council England, developed at Battersea Arts Centre and ARC Stockton Arts Centre
Tags: Forest Fringe 14