Freemachines workshops at Granton Library
February - May 2015
Freemachines was a project run by Edinburgh Libraries in conjunction with #artcore encouraging young people aged 13-18 to develop new IT and creative skills using digital art and design. Over the course of 12 weekly sessions, participants were introduced to writing code and building electronics, with the end result of collaboratively prototyping a digital artwork.
During this time, they coded programs for games such as Minecraft and Pong, as well as building physical controllers that would run these programs. You can find out more by checking out their blog.
Another cool feature of the blog, the “Smartphone Atlas” was an excellent example of how to engage and educate young people by being creative with tech, and can be found here.
An #artcore microproject with Granton Library, Wardieburn Terrace, H5 1DD
For more information phone 01315295630,
Tags: #artcore, coding, Digital Arts, gaming, microprojects, software, Youth Arts