Ava Molleson Exhibition

Monday 15th - Friday 26th September 2014
10am - 5pm Mon - Sat

An exhibition of remarkably incisive cartoons and illustrations by 15 year old Ava Molleson.
Ava was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 13 and kept a visual diary during this time. She hopes that the illustrations give some insight into how the brain of a teenager with dyslexia is wired.

These cartoons were part of a visual diary that I kept in a drawing book from when I was 13-15. These are a select few that were chosen to be displayed, although there are over a hundred of them in the original drawing book.

These ones were chosen because I think that they best sum up the thoughts and mentality of a creative minded teenager. I was diagnosed with dyslexia during the duration of my visual diary and so some of them are expressing what it is like to be dyslexic or to struggle with reading or writing. They show the frustration that comes with not being able to make head nor tail of the written English language. They show the erratic way that dyslexic minds often function and how this clashes with the confusingly inconsistent rules of spelling and sentence structure.

Others express the expectations, contradictions and restrictions of society on young people. These are more political and show the limitations that are put on people from a young age. They show how easy it is in the modern world to live in your own little mental world created when you are young and sheltered and how your ambitions and thoughts are encouraged to fit a certain mould.

Others express the confusion, insanity but huge capacity of the human brain and how it should be embraced rather than suppressed. Humans have amazing minds and can achieve amazing things. Unfortunately, people are often expected to keep their unfiltered thoughts to themselves but it is this kind of imaginative, creative thought that thinks up new ideas and thinks outside-the-box.


All of Ava’s work is for sale and the proceeds will go to charitable organisation Wing and Prayer.
See more of Ava’s illustrations via her facebook page Arty Miss.


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