Jemima Yong
Photographer in residence
For the second year, Jemima will be joining Forest Fringe as photographer in residence, creating a visual essay from her encounters with Forest Fringe and its programme. She is keen to explore the role of the photographer within specific performance environments that goes beyond that of the documenter and marketer – What is the photographer as critic? As scenographer? As dramaturge?
Simultaneously she’ll be building upon an independent collection called The Audience; which functions as a photographic study of spectatorship as well as a contribution to the ongoing debate on the cultural value of the performance.
Jemima Yong is a performance maker and photographer interested in studying the relationship between live culture and visual literacy. She is currently in residence at Exeunt Magazine and National Art Service. She also hosts a blog called Performance | Life | Archive.
You can view her previous work with Forest Fringe here.
Tags: Forest Fringe 14