The Leith Hub Meanwhile Use Project: Community Workshop
Saturday 11th November 2017
10am - 1pm, free entry
The City of Edinburgh Council has secured £750,000 of funding from the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Capital Grant Fund to deliver a ‘meanwhile’ uses project at 165/ 165A Leith Walk. The funding will allow for the refurbishment of 165A Leith Walk with the aim of creating a community hub.
The former Tram Depot at the rear of the site is in the process of being demolished and the site will be used in part to host creative workspace and a street market in shipping containers and recycled market stalls.
The Leith Hub Meanwhile Use Project is scheduled to open in April 2018 and continue to 2021
Out of the Blue are engaging with organisations and individuals from the Leith community to work out how to make best use of the site and create opportunities for involvement.
Out of the Blue are holding a community workshop event, along with project partners from the City of Edinburgh Council, Civic Soup and Reiach and Hall Architects, on Saturday 11th November 2017 from 10.00 to 13.00 at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, and we would love you to be involved to feed in your ideas.
The event will be informal and informative, with the aim of exploring what’s possible and maintaining community involvement as plans progress. Children invited and welcome.
Refreshments will be provided.
Register to attend the workshop here.
Tags: Community, Leith Hub, Workshop