none of us is yet a robot
Pouring fuel oil onto the Blue Peter garden of gender, this project investigates why sometimes it’s necessary to smash things up.
“people who do this sort of thing must be mentally ill” Percy Thrower / the NHS
These are works in progress forming part of an a new performance project by Tom Frankland in collaboration with Rachel Mars and Abby Butcher, exploring gender and transition through a series of live and online events.
Tuesday 12 August, 11am – 7pm
Drill Hall
a durational live doodling performance.
egg / box
times t.b.c.
Drill Hall Cutting Room
“We are creatures born of water, made mostly of water, living on dry land with only the gaseous air surrounding us, looking across the universe to distant stars.”
Sex and the Nature of Things – NJ Berrill
Tags: Forest Fringe 14