Thistle Blues Dancing: Solo Blues Workshop
Saturday 22nd April 2023
12noon - 5pm | £20 (£15 for students)
The afternoon will include a deep dive into pulse, body isolations and blues dance vocabulary, with a focus on being present with yourself and dancing mindfully as well as how to share your dancing as part of a community.
Some experience of blues dancing is preferred but not essential.
If the idea of a solo dance workshop is off putting to you, then don’t worry; this session will not be focused on performance or choreography. And all content will be just as relevant to partnered blues dancing.
The workshop will begin at 12 noon and there will be an hour break from 2-3 (perfect for a late lunch).
Bring water and wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. Dancing in smooth soled shoes or socks is recommended so that you can easily spin and slide without risking damage to your knees. To book, just register on the Google Form.