Registered Address

Out of the Blue Arts & Education Trust

Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG

OOTB Drill Hall & Drill Hall Arts Cafe

36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG

0131 555 7100

Cafe opening hours: Monday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm |

Out of hours access is via buzzer entry system at number 36 Dalmeny Street, next to large blue doors. Buzz 041 for reception.

OOTB Abbeymount Studios

2 Easter Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5AN

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Studio Rentals

Booking a Space

Drill Hall Arts Cafe

Event Catering

Booking a Flea Market Stall

Out of the Blueprint

The Bongo Club

Submit an Enquiry

Before filling in the form, please take a look at the links opposite. For all other queries please fill in the form below and one of our team will asses your enquiry for suitability and will contact you directly in due course.

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