The overarching theme of Julija's work is connecting forms and processes in nature with the tactile experience of spatial artefacts. As a landscape architecture graduate, Julija is always very attentive to her surroundings and fascinated by the material properties of sediments, rocks and other natural surfaces. Julija has always been gathering natural objects and substances, from which she draws inspiration for colours, textures, and patterns, of the otherwise minimalist artefacts she makes. She has also been using recycled and reclaimed materials in her art – by reusing core materials and re-purposing waste as packaging and other miscellaneous by-products, she challenges the concepts of disuse as a purely temporal and spatial construct – making discarded material into something beautiful and timeless and demonstrating a possible path towards a more circular economy. Thematically, Julija's work is about evoking an imprint of the expanse of the Scottish landscape and the colour palette of the natural environment and the intricacy and detail of minimalist pieces – especially wheel-thrown and hand-made vessels. Each object is entirely unique and invites audiences to create their own narrative while exploring it through all their senses.